Showing posts with label old age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old age. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9

Older Than Dirt!

That pretty much sums up how I felt at turning 65 in May. Dirt can be pretty darn old.

We all deal with getting older differently as we are unique individuals but one thing stays true, it surprises us all. One day you look in the mirror and all is changed. When that happens we become a senior citizen almost overnight.

Of course, it doesn't really start overnight but time (which used to be on our side) is fickle. We realize it's moving at an alarming rate. Soon there's no time for anything! Time starts to pass us by.

That's not all! If single, (like me) love and romance get put on the sidelines as time feels like it's running out. One day the men who used to look at me with interest in their eyes start to ignore me. They stop looking and I'm confused. Where are all the men I ask myself? They can't all be married and needing Viagra!

While I'm trying to figure out where the men are and how to sign up for Medicare I become aware that people are putting me into a niche. That's when I start hearing the term, "for your age," added to sentences where it wasn't before.

When you start hearing this term added to everything people say about you, then you've become older than dirt. 

"You have great hair, for your age!" (My hair is my greatest asset it runs in the family and has been there my whole life.)

"You're in great shape, for your age." (Not the fact that I workout and exercise daily, eat the right foods, and get 8 hours of sleep a night.)

"You have a great memory, for your age." And so on and so forth.

No one knows this but when I find the right phone booth on a night when I've had way too many drinks I become Super Sanchez, a female Hulk/Superman mixture. When Super Sanchez shows up you better look out!
It really starts to grate at me. That, and being called, "ma'am" everywhere I go. Is there a rule that when you get grey hair you must be called ma'am? I still have a name last time I checked.

You better be careful what you say around us seniors some of us have super-powers.

Hell yeah!

Keep On Bloggin'!

Sunday, January 15

Eye Will Be Offline Having Surgery

I like to try to blog once a week or more but recently I haven’t been blogging at all. This is because I found out more about my serious eye problem and need an operation right away due to Macular Degeneration.

There are two kinds of Macular Degeneration, wet and dry. The dry form is by far the most common type and doesn’t require surgery. The wet form is much less common, but it comes on more quickly and can become severe. Lucky me because I have the wet form and I am not a brave person.

The dry form accounts for 9 out of 10 causes of Macular Degeneration. It develops slowly and causes central vision to become dimmer or more blurry over time. It usually doesn’t cause severe vision loss unless it turns into the wet form.

The wet form accounts for only about 1 out of 10 cases of Macular Degeneration. It can cause serious vision loss within months or even weeks. People who have the wet form have the dry form first.

In either the wet or dry forms of the disease, one eye may seem to be affected while the other remains unaffected for a period of time. During that time, the healthier eye may compensate for the affected eye. However, in most cases, if one eye is affected the other eye will develop Macular Degeneration in time, too.

My eyesight has been pretty good for this aging Hoosier. Anything up close is blurry without drug store glasses but I still have good vision when looking far away. I had no vision problems that I had to worry about and sometimes still could see close up on a “good day.”

About a month ago I noticed an eyesight change. My eyes seemed to be growing more tired while watching TV, reading, blogging, etc. I could still see just fine but questioned my vision change. Since it wasn’t something I could put my finger on, I chalked it up to my eyes getting worse with old age. Vision changes can hide a serious problem so I decided if it got worse I’d go to the doctor.

One night when my eyes were really bothering me I put my hand over my right eye; no problem my sight was fine. Then I tried the left eye….OMG! I could see with it but I noticed right in the middle of my sight I could see a problem. Especially when looking at a straight line, I saw a kink in it. Also when looking at a person’s face the left side of their face looked distorted. I had no black spots in my vision and I could still see fine at night but obviously, there was something seriously wrong.

After going to my doctor he referred me to an Optometrist who told me that some of the vitreous gel in the back of my eye turned to fluid and that was why my vision had changed. He said it was due to old age, told me not to worry about it and referred me to a Retina Specialist Dr. Lam. This is when things got serious; I got my diagnosis and she said I had to have surgery as soon as possible.

This last Monday I had 3 appointments to get set up for my surgery which will be January 19th and I just got a call from Kaiser today ( telling me it will be at 1PM.) 

I wish they would put me to sleep for the operation but I have to be awake and this will be the first surgery I ever had like this. I am petrified at the thought of being awake during the surgery and just hope they have some strong-ass medications so I’m not at all aware of what’s going on!

I don’t know how my sight will be when this is all said and done but sight is one of the most important senses we have. I would rather lose a lot of other functions than my sight. Even one eye would be acceptable to me. My grandmother (bless her lovely soul) lost an eye to cancer and took it like the trooper that she was. She was no young lady either; in her 70’s when it happened. She was awesome!

Some Facts About The Eye

♦ The retina is a thin lining of nerve tissue on the inside back wall of the eye. The macula is the center of the retina. It is the part of our vision process that makes possible recognizing faces, reading, and driving a car.

♦ Symptoms of wet macular degeneration may include loss of central vision and visual distortion. For instance, a straight line may appear wavy or a small object may seem to be farther away than it really is.

♦ Macular degeneration doesn't cause total blindness. Peripheral vision may not be affected, but central vision, which is used for activities such as reading, watching television, and doing close work, is.

Then there’s the after eye surgery torture! OMG! I have to use this therapy device that keeps my head pointing down for 10 days OR MORE. That’s 24/7 folks; eating, watching TV, going to the bathroom, riding in a car, or anything that keeps my head in this face-brace control in a face-down position. This is to keep the gas bubble on the healing surface of the retina.

Bedtime will be fun! I need sleep so I have to sleep (if I ever sleep again) on my stomach with a board-thing stuck between the mattresses holding the face-brace contraption on it so I can keep my head in it. I can only sleep cross-wise on the bed or at an angle. So comfortable.

They think they have a plan so you don’t go completely insane. The face-brace contraption comes on this folding chair (like a desk in grade school) that has a built-in table and a two-way mirror. They expect me to spend most of my time in it so I can watch TV, read, (oh my aching back) and try to eat with my face down like that. I’m sure straws will be in order.

24/7 For At Least 10 Days! 

If I don’t use this stuff and keep my head just like they tell me then the gas bubble they inject into my eye will not float to where it belongs and fix my eye. If I screw it up, I get surgery again, mess up my sight more plus all the costs that aren’t covered by insurance.

Oh, did I mention that my face-brace contraption (and comfort items) costs $20/day (at least) and my insurance (Kaiser) doesn’t pay for it? Wave bye-bye to aftercare.

Freaking Out Now

I have always been an artist and my love of beauty, hell my love of life has everything to do with what I see! Then there’s “Blu” my beloved sports car that I adore driving! I almost lost my license in 2010 due to a medical problem....

How am I going to blog and be online? Not easily even with a two-way mirror, I’d say. As you can tell it’s going to be hard to use my computer AT ALL. Bummer! My computer is not a laptop. Big sigh! Being busy getting ready for this has put me behind in my writing. Something I miss when I can’t do it.

I really shouldn’t be whining; I mean it’s not cancer or other painful, horrible and fatal diseases people get every blink of an eye. It’s just another crisis in the life of Rebecca Del Sanchez and she’s had so many recently. I don’t use my blogs to complain but it’s time for me to have a good year. I just want to enjoy my life as much as I can. 

It feels like a huge boulder is on my chest and if that bolder was just a bit smaller, well then managing it would be a little easier and I could catch my breath for once.

Dr. Lam assures me that she’s done this surgery many times before and as a team, we can do this. I just worry if it’s so important to keep my head like that (and the gas bubble stable) that I should be in the hospital a few days afterward. You know how it is these days everything is outpatient! Organ transplant? No problem, have you in and out in a day! Yes, you can wear your 5-inch heels when you go home. Tee hee!

Today I’m just trying to chill out and prepare for Thursday. I am taking a break from being online until my procedure is done and heals. I pray my sight is at least this good when I am finished so I can come back and do all of the many things I enjoy doing and get my head out of that torture device.

Pray for me if you will and I’ll be back ASAP!

Update: The first surgery failed! I had to have it done again right away. Positioning, gas bubble, everything. Finally, it worked.

Keep On Bloggin’!

Monday, February 28

Just In Case You Weren't Feeling 'Old Enough' Today ♥

  • The people who are going to college this year were born in 1993.
  • They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.
  • Their lifetime has always included AIDS.
  • The CD was introduced four years before they were born.
  • They have always had an answering machine.
  • They have always had cable.
  • They couldn't imagine life without their cell phones.
  • Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.
  • They have never been without microwaves and can't cook without them.
  • They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.
  • They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.
  • They never heard; "Where's the Beef?", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel. ", or "de plane Boss, de plane."
  • McDonald's never came in Styrofoam containers.
  • They don't have a clue as to how to use a typewriter.
  • They use calculators, computers and the Internet in college to do all of their lessons.
  • They have always had 'personal' computers.
  • Search Engines have taken the place of a set of good Encyclopedias.
  • Email and texting has taken the place of writing personal letters and mailing them.
  • Notice the larger type? That's for those of us who have trouble reading cause we're getting 'old.'

P.S. Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.

Keep On Bloggin'!

Sunday, February 20

Famous Last Words

No matter how long we live, we must all die at some point in our lives. Since I had my brush with death I have often thought about what would be on my mind when my time comes and what (if anything) I'd have a chance to think or say about it.

As I was thinking about last words I decided to do the next best thing and do a search for some last words from famous people to see what they had to say about death and dying.

Famous Last Words

1." And now in keeping with Channel 40's policy of always bringing you the latest in blood and guts in living color; you're about to see another first--an attempted suicide." Chris Hubbock, who shot herself during a live broadcast.

2. "What we know is not much. What we don't know is enormous."---Pierre Simon de Laplace, French Astronomer.

3. "Give back everything to...."---Peter The Great, Tsar Of Russia.

4. "Why not, why not, why not.Why not?" and "Yeah."---Timothy Leary.

5. "Goodbye. I am leaving because I am bored."---George Saunders.

6. "Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt?"---Socrates.

7. "Don't disarrange my circles!"---Archimedes.

8. "Why yes, a bulletproof vest."---James Rodges, murderer, on his final request before the firing squad.

9. "Go away...I'm alright."---H. G. Wells. (Probably would be MY last words because when I'm in trouble I always end up saying it. Lol!)

10. "I must go in...the fog is rising."---Emily Dickinson.

11. "Now comes the mystery."---Henry Ward Beecher.

12. "Friends applaud, the comedy is over."---Ludwig von Beethoven.

13. "Drink to me."---Pablo Picasso.

14. "And now, I am dying beyond my means."---Oscar Wilde, sipping champagne on his deathbed.

15. "Show my head to the people it is worth seeing."---Georges Danton, to his executioner.

16. "Don't worry! It's not loaded."---Terry Kath rock musician playing Russian roulette.

17. "Where did all these damn Indians come from?"---General Custer.

18. "Such is life."---Ned Kelly.

19. "We are born crying, live complaining and die disappointed."---The Optimist.

20. "Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough."---Karl Marx.

21. "I had a lovers quarrel with the world."---Robert Frost.

22. "I'm too young to die!"---A grandfather, age 94.

23. "My work here is done, why wait?"---Eastman's (founder of Kodak) last words before he killed himself.

24. "Dying is easy...comedy is hard."---Marcel Marceau.

25. "The rest is silence."---Shakespeare.

26. "I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring."---Richard Feynman.

27. "So are you a cannibal?"---Priyanka Bomb.

28. "More light!"---Goethe.

29. "What is the answer?...(Silence.)...In that case, what is the question?"---Gertrude Stein.

30. "God will pardon me, it's his trade."---Heinrich Heine.

31. "Waiting are they? Well, let 'em wait!"---General Mad Anthony Wayne, when told by doctors the angels were waiting for him.

32. "I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man."---Che Guevara, facing his assassin.

33. "I wonder why he shot me?"---Huey P. Long, governor in Louisiana who was murdered.

34. "Nothing but death."---Jane Austin when asked by her sister if there was anything she wanted.

35. "Codeine...bourbon."---Tallulah Bankhead.

36. "I can't sleep."---James M. Barrie.

37. "Now I shall go to sleep. Goodnight."---Lord George Byron.

38. "Beautiful."---Elizabeth Browning when her husband asked her how she felt.

39. "I'm bored with it all."---Winston Churchill.

40. "I am not the least afraid to die."---Charles Darwin.

41. "I've never felt better."---Douglas Fairbanks Sr.

42. "I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed ever minute of it."---Errol Flynn.

43. "A dying man can do nothing easy."---Benjamin Franklin.

44. "I have a terrific headache."---Franklin Roosevelt, before dying of a cerebral hemorrhage.

45. "It is very beautiful over there."---Thomas Edison.

46. "All my possessions for a moment of time."---Queen Elizabeth One, of England.

47. "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit."---Jesus Christ.

Whether real or written in history isn't it amazing what is on someone's mind and comes out of people's mouths when they are at death's door! I never really thought about it before doing the research for this post. It turned out to be an eye-opener in a lot of ways and if anything it's important to remember that BEFORE we die you better have lived all you can. Get every last tasty bit of life before it's your turn.

Remember, none of us are born with an expiration date stamped on us!

Keep On Bloggin'!