Sunday, June 9

Older Than Dirt!

That pretty much sums up how I felt at turning 65 in May. Dirt can be pretty darn old.

We all deal with getting older differently as we are unique individuals but one thing stays true, it surprises us all. One day you look in the mirror and all is changed. When that happens we become a senior citizen almost overnight.

Of course, it doesn't really start overnight but time (which used to be on our side) is fickle. We realize it's moving at an alarming rate. Soon there's no time for anything! Time starts to pass us by.

That's not all! If single, (like me) love and romance get put on the sidelines as time feels like it's running out. One day the men who used to look at me with interest in their eyes start to ignore me. They stop looking and I'm confused. Where are all the men I ask myself? They can't all be married and needing Viagra!

While I'm trying to figure out where the men are and how to sign up for Medicare I become aware that people are putting me into a niche. That's when I start hearing the term, "for your age," added to sentences where it wasn't before.

When you start hearing this term added to everything people say about you, then you've become older than dirt. 

"You have great hair, for your age!" (My hair is my greatest asset it runs in the family and has been there my whole life.)

"You're in great shape, for your age." (Not the fact that I workout and exercise daily, eat the right foods, and get 8 hours of sleep a night.)

"You have a great memory, for your age." And so on and so forth.

No one knows this but when I find the right phone booth on a night when I've had way too many drinks I become Super Sanchez, a female Hulk/Superman mixture. When Super Sanchez shows up you better look out!
It really starts to grate at me. That, and being called, "ma'am" everywhere I go. Is there a rule that when you get grey hair you must be called ma'am? I still have a name last time I checked.

You better be careful what you say around us seniors some of us have super-powers.

Hell yeah!

Keep On Bloggin'!


  1. Beautiful pic of you, Bekkie … Haven't heard from you in so long, but never forgotten … sooo … 65, eh? … Dat makes me a "spring chicken" age 63 … smiles … Anyway, good to hear from you … Please be in touch. Love says this Alberta cat and her cat Theo.

  2. Geezer, Miss Bekkie I have thought you were at least 15 years younger. I look forward to reading some of your old writing. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’–

  3. I can sooooo relate to this Bekkie! You have represented the feelings of people "our age" LOL perfectly!


Bekkie's Wonderland has been around for decades now, it used to be at MySpace until I moved it to Blogger. I've covered a plethora of subjects but due to its longevity and changes in the internet it's age is showing (as is mine.) I hope you will enjoy as I gently bring it up to date moving towards the uncertain future.