Thursday, May 28

The Language Of Plussing

Holy cow I have some old posts on here. It's still an interesting read because G+ just closed down a few years ago. We not only plussed but had Circles of friends that we'd trade to get more numbers. Technology grows in leaps and 

The Language Of Plussing

We go on social networks to be social but how do you find other people in the big bad stream? And why should one bother to plus?

Google is a big network when looking to connect with someone. That’s why Google came up with the +1 social shorthand to track each other.

When using any language it’s important to learn the basics. The technical term pinging is what Google calls plussing and whether you know it or not you do it every day.

What if you want to talk to a person?

I have hundreds of friends in the stream so how do I find just one?

To send a post to a person type a + and the person's username immediately afterward. After typing 2 or 3 letters a menu will pop up to choose from. You can send one or more usernames on the same post it’s up to you. Unless it’s a very common username the menu should pop up quickly. Common usernames can be harder to find because the list is long.

You can send these posts public, private, or both but check before you post privately to make sure you aren’t overlooking the public setting. You can send a private post out to someone that way by accident so watch it!

People in your circles come up first when pinging someone so if you have a hard time finding the username on the menu go and add the person to a circle and they will be there next time. Always give a person time to see their notifications and answer.

How can a person tell if I plussed them?

If I can’t find their plusses how can I expect them to find mine?

You are beginning to use notifications and they will do the same looking through their notifications and will see that you did. Always give them time to see your messages because we all use notifications differently. If someone just won’t answer and it really bothers you take them out of your circles it wasn’t meant to be.

In your settings, you determine how you want to be notified and what you want to be notified about. Your settings are important and if you haven’t looked at them yet I would suggest you do so now and see how your notifications are set up. They are the most useful tool on G+ use them right and they will serve you.

I want them to see my post or comment right away!

Just because a friend is online doesn’t mean they are watching for you like a hawk so what can you do?

Don’t wait if you want someone, in particular, to see your post or comment ping them on it. I make a practice of plussing (pinging) every time I do anything on G+ because my friends will see it faster in notifications.

Why give people plusses at all?

Other people don’t plus so why should I?

It’s true that people are lousy at pinging each other I see it every day but why let that ruin your online experience? Communication skills are everything on a social network just like offline and the better you are at it the more people will want to include you!

Try going without talking all day offline and see where that gets you. You can be sure your friends will miss out on a lot but you don’t have to.

Here are a few examples of what the language of plussing can tell you.
  • +1 on a post-I like it! 
  • +1 on a comment-I saw your comment and am letting you know. 
  • +1 on a comment-I liked what you said but don’t want to comment. 
  • +1 on a comment-I agree with you! 
  • +1 and Reply (ping) about the same comment-I want to add or answer this and here’s my comment to see. 
  • +1 on anything-Going to tell Google your preferences, likes, dislikes, and other things about you. 
If you watch people that do plus you will see successful people who move effortlessly around G+ communicating freely and using it to their full advantage. Follow their lead.

Everyone on G+ waits to get plusses don’t fool yourself. As a newbie remember how you felt when you got your first plusses? How did it feel when you got no plusses?

If you hate a post or dislike a person you certainly wouldn’t want to plus them but maybe they shouldn’t be in your circles anyway.

By using this social shorthand to navigate G+ you will have an easier time finding your friends and understanding what’s going on. Your friends will know you appreciate their posts and I have found as a side effect of plussing often you get circled often.

It’s a plus-plus situation. (Wink, wink.)

Sources: My knowledge of G+, G+ and search.

Setting Up Your Google Plus Profile For Success

This was Showoffs, a popular community of mine on G+ in 2014. This is another article from Google past.

Setting Up Your Google Plus Profile For Success

So I just got my account on G+ and now I’m going to post!
Stop right there!

Your profile is one of the most important things you can spend time on and it will make a difference in how fast you gain followers and who you meet. Take the time to fill it out it’s your introduction to anyone and everyone. You will hear about Google being top-notch at helping you sell your product and if you think of yourself as” your product” no one can stop you!
I don’t want to tell people about myself if I don’t know them!
Of course, you don’t and who says you have to tell but a few well-placed facts about yourself and the things you would like to share online are a must. When you hit the G+ stream and start to add people to your first circle others will be adding you and before they do they will look at your profile.

What does yours say about you? If you have a blank profile they will pass you up and if you want to make friends or network this is a big negative.

You don’t have to put your address or enable location but people will want to know where you’re from and talk to you about it. They like to know what you are interested in and that can’t hurt. You don’t have to put where you work but you can put your vocation. Use common sense and be clever.

It’s up to you how much you want to divulge or express but the more information the better when it comes to people deciding whether to follow you or not. Remember, it’s not how many people in your circles it’s how many people follow you.
Why should I use a picture on my profile?
Profiles without pictures are called "Blueheads" and it puts a person off right away when they see no picture. People like to “see” who they are following and a headshot will help you reach more people.
My profile is filled out why include a photo? People will read about how cool I am it shouldn't matter?

If you have an excellent profile but no image people may not look you up meaning you have already lost. People online may seem like they have all the time in the world but they are busy and when looking up people to follow they would rather see a picture. I would probably not be looking you up without one.
Some things to think about including on your profile.
Okay so you don't have a lot to add yet but here’s what you should include and remember if you have interests you’d like to share with others online this is where you list them.
  • Name/Username 
  • At least last place you worked or not 
  • Any education if you think it important to your online goal 
  • A photo of you or something to represent you 
  • If you have websites, YouTube, Facebook, etc. add the links so people can find and follow you there 
  • What you want from your online experience 
  • What others can expect from you 
  • A good (keep it short) tagline and change it often 
  • An image for your profile cover photo that represents your interests or tastes
You will want to set up your profile so you can update it easily without changing it too often so your friends will recognize you when they “see” you online.
An awesome feature of G+ that no other network has is that you can use animated Gifs for your profile photo/cover photo if you wish. How great is that?

Of course, filling out a profile is not rocket science but if you want to meet people this is the way to ensure that when you interact with someone and they like how it went they will look you up and circle you. Repeat many times over and soon you will be accumulating followers and be on your way. You are now a product people will want to “buy into” so relax and enjoy it.

Filling out profiles is not for everyone but blank profiles and no profile pictures are used every day by hackers and trolls on G+ that people have to block. This fact alone is a good reason to have a filled out profile. If you don’t want to do it know that your online experience will be an upward battle.

Social Networking Etiquette

We've come a long way baby and how we interact with other people online has become extremely important whether it be on social networks, video calls, or hangouts. One thing is certain if you spend any amount of time online you will be judged by how you act online. 

There is no doubt about it the social networking giants are all the buzz. A research report I read today on the internet says that 51% of online Americans have joined a social network. Another 73% are consuming some form of social content on a regular basis on networks like Sony’s PlayStation. People are connecting with, listening to, following, and collaborating with each other online at an amazing rate.

We are sharing just about everything with each other these days. Photos, recipes, plans, and even locations just to name a few of these things. Business people are using social networks to build their careers, promote themselves, their websites, and their reputations. Networking is the social norm.

Some of the most popular social networking sites are Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter with LinkedIn catching up fast. Each one of those sites is uniquely positioned and serves a particular population or purpose. There are other online networking sites, numbering in the thousands, so at this point, they shall remain nameless.

After researching social etiquette I specially wrote these tips with Google Plus in mind. It’s no wonder people get confused we receive this technology quickly and it changes so much that we forget how to play nice with others while keeping up.

Social Network Etiquette-Community=Google Plus

1. Give more than you receive. If you want attention from others online you have to be willing to give it first. Become a good commenter and stay positive. If you’re in a bad mood stay offline!

2. Don’t be a keyboard gangsta. The worst thing about the Internet is the keyboard trolls. They’re the people who have to talk trash to everyone they meet. They say things online you would never say to a real person’s face. If you are this person I bet you’ve been blocked already. Get a clue.

3. Add value to the community at large. This means not posting things nobody cares about and not constantly promoting your own brand. Before you post anything to a social media site ask yourself; “Does this really add value to the community?” If not, reconsider posting it.

4. Don’t start arguments and sabotage others efforts. Drop all of your e-beefs and hatred. Don’t try to bury others just for the sake of getting ahead. Making enemies on social online media sites will get you nowhere and you reap what you sow.

5. Remember that cheaters never win. Sure, you might be able to get somewhere by cheating but eventually you’ll get caught. Once everyone sees you for the cheater you are, you can’t take it back ever. This applies to people who use more than one profile or websites that look good but are made to stay anonymous and cause trouble or spam.

6. Build quality relationships and get to know your friends online. People are more willing to help those who they really know. Remember relationships require the participation of both parties and you’ll always have someone in your corner and a network of useful people. To get help you should give always give it back.

7. Stop pushing the Envelope. One of the fastest ways to alienate people online is to constantly flood them with requests for helping you out. Whether you’re constantly asking people to comment on your blog or shouting your content, eventually, everyone will lose patience with you. People will learn to tune you out.

8. Respect the community. This is one of the most important rules of social media etiquette. Show respect to the people in the community. Just make sure you don’t step out of line and always treat others the way you want to be treated.

9. Listen to others. It’s easier to tell someone they are wrong than to take the time to listen to what they’re really saying. Understand where the people who comment on your post are coming from. You don’t know everything and you can learn from others if you’re a good listener.

10. Be accountable for your actions. Because of the anonymity the Internet allows, there is hardly any accountability online. Instead, try to be honorable by taking responsibility for your actions. People will respect you whether they agree with you or not. People want to be trusting, give them the opportunity.

11. Don’t step on other people’s posts. Repost responsibly and people will admire you for it. If you have a link to share do it on your own post and if you don’t like what you see instead of leaving a negative comment pass that posts up. You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar.

12. Use a photo for your profile picture and put some information on your profile. If you’re joining a social network why not be social? When a person sees a blank profile and no picture at all they don’t make any connections about you and don’t want to deal with you. At least use some other image if you don’t want to show your mug online.

13. Be polite to one another. If you can’t be nice be civil and remember the common courtesy's you give people in your offline life and apply it online. One of these days you might be talking to someone who will give you your next job online and you don’t want to blow that! Can’t we just all get along?
This is my equation and I believe it works! Credibility+trust=Followers on Google Plus

Social media and online etiquette give you a rough guideline on how you can communicate to online audiences without irritating anyone. When you operate above these minimum ethical requirements, you will gain credibility and trust among people.

Sources: Google Plus, Facebook, Windows Live, AOL, Tagged, Linked In, My Space, (to name a few of the social network’s I’ve belonged to in the past,) Wikipedia, Google Search, and Internet

Running In Circles


This animated Gif is a good example of how our circles interact on Google Plus.

Using circles and following have been misunderstood by newbies. Choose a circle and you're viewing everyone’s content in that circle at that time. Change your circle and you have a different view.

Follow someone and you're following a person's single profile but you'll be putting them in a circle. Circles are used to group your friends and interests so you can find them easier.

You will find yourself asking:

How many circles should I have?
If someone adds me do I have to add them back?
Why have circles at all?
Will someone know when I circle them or when I don't?

These are just a few of the questions that could have you running in circles but armed with a few facts you will be using them to your advantage.

The Secret Of Circles

Circles are groups of people you decide to follow. If you follow someone it’s making them a daily friend because you will see their posts when you use that circle. You don’t have to ask them to be your friend or wait for an answer you can build and use your circles immediately.

You want to make your circles about friends, interests, or what you want to see online because whether you trade them or not it’s your own unique view of Google+. Each circle you make will offer you a different view of G+ than the Public stream. It depends on how many circles you make as to how many “views” you’ll have.

Don’t worry about what other people are doing they are doing the same thing and no one should take this process personally. Google+ was designed to be used this way and anyone who gives you grief about it should be blocked.

Facts About Followers

Followers are people who decide to circle you by personal choice. It’s what the other side is doing while you make your circles. It’s not the number of people you follow it’s the number of people who follow you that counts. When you start to gain followers you are notified as to how many on your profile.

You get followers by posting great content and giving out good conversation. You can’t buy, beg or borrow followers they have a mind of their own and you must learn what they want to get them.

People will try to encourage or ask people to follow and plus them. Not a good idea it can backfire when people decide you are begging for it. When you follow or unfollow you can be as fickle as you please about it.

It’s a fun challenge to post good content and accumulate followers. I like finding and creating rich content and getting as many followers as I can. There is no award for having thousands of followers just the satisfaction of networking with awesome people.

Some Things To Remember
  • Circles can be deleted if they aren’t working just start another.
  • You can follow G+ without any circles and you will still gain followers.
  • If you delete a circle it’s not personal. 
  • Some of the people with the most followers don’t circle anyone.
  • You can have as many circles as you want.
  • Followers are people who have circled you.
  • Include yourself in all your circles, everyone does.
  • No one has a say about who you follow, circle and who you don’t.
  • Having thousands of followers does not ensure popularity. 
Miscellaneous Facts

Learn how to block someone and use it liberally. There are new people to meet and life is too short to deal with strangers who mistreat you. Some people join social networks (like bullies in the real world) who only want to hurt or start arguments with you and if you let them you are playing into their sick schemes. Use caution, block but don’t be afraid of people most of them want to engage agreeably.

Have fun! Keep On Bloggin'!

Saturday, May 16

From Newbie To Maybe

From Newbie To Maybe

When I came here I felt just like every newbie, ignored and vulnerable. Google+ was a place where everyone else had friends but me.

I would put up posts and they would be ignored. If I left a comment it would go answered and ignored. Yet when reading comments all the people around me had people talking to them!

I thought, nobody here likes or understands me. I've been on Google+ a whole week already and nothing is happening and what’s up with the pluses? I want to go back to Facebook.

Bite your tongue!

Everyone feels like this starting Google+ after all it’s new and so are the people. You can't rely on your friends joining you here so instead of throwing in the towel do what I did and go from Newbie to Maybe. People will be circling you in no time.

Creative Commenting Is Key

Start getting used to surfing the public stream and if you see a post you like comment on it. Don't just say; “I like it.” Or “Lol!” That’s not going to do it at first. I found by being funny or creative with what I said in comments I started to get a lot more attention. Keep this up and get good at it. People with the posts and the people who comment on them will notice. With a little work you’ll start to get responses to your comments.

In the meantime people will be starting to circle you. Just because people circle you doesn't mean you have to circle them back. Let that sink in for a second. Circlecount facts will back me on this; some of the people with the most followers on G+ don’t follow anyone!

Start Your Circles Please

You will want to name your first circle and start following people. It's the same as friending someone. Name your first circle and be adding people to it as you go. Add people who like your comments and comment you back. Add people whose posts you want to see everyday. 

If you are commenting like I suggested and posting well you should start to see a little improvement in people paying attention to your posts. It takes time but it does happen and you will be making some neat new friends. 

Your posts won't see a lot of engagement for the first few months so anyone who comments or plusses you should be thanked. Tag them (plus their username) so they get notified of it.

You could have a circle for people you like, one for your kids, one for a communities, the choices are varied and up to you but circles are important because it’s your personal view to Google+ and your entertainment.

Talking To New People

You can’t rely on your friends joining you here on Google Plus and unless you want to crawl back to Facebook or Twitter ashamed of yourself you will buck up and meet new people. It’s easier than you think.

Pick people’s posts or comments that interest you and ask a question about that post. Engage the person you wish to know. If you are honest, friendly and open usually that person will be too. People love funny and clever. If it doesn't work out move on no foul.

You will meet people on posts and in comments. If you join communities you can meet people surrounding a shared interest and have a closer relationship than in public. I suggest you join one and you will get invites. As with following people just because someone invites you to join a community doesn’t mean you have to join.

Don’t Think People Don't See You

This is a social network and people will be watching you. Just because you can't “see” people following you doesn't mean you are invisible. On the contrary, you are constantly being circled, your profile checked and more by cautious plussers who can see everything you write online.

When new you should minimally fill out your profile and always have some sort of profile photo. People hate seeing stock profiles with no photos and you will have a big strike against you right away. People refer to these accounts as "Blue Heads" and avoid them.

Just because you write something to someone else and don't tag anyone the next person can come along and read your whole conversation on a public post. Remember that and use the tag feature instead if it gets personal so you don't say something you regret.

I have had people come up to me and tell me they were observing me react with another person online and it touched them. I was shocked to find out I could be watched that close but remember Google is a search engine first and foremost so people can follow you easily especially if they have you circled.

Important: If you say (write) something stupid and delete it on a public post that person can still read it if they are receiving email notifications so watch what you do and write online it's never invisible.

Posting Popularity

Posting is an important part of Google Plus and gaining followers. Learn from your mistakes (when your posts are poorly received) and post accordingly. I even delete posts that get ignored and it happens! 

People won’t circle you if they don't like your posts it’s what draws them to you. If you argue and pick fights calling it discussions it won't work. Humor is a 2 edged sword depending on what it is and being right is not always might. 

If you really stink and can't pick your own then share the good posts. There are plenty to go around so learn to recognize them and circle the people who share them they can be your best friends and assets. 

Just because one person doesn't have a success with a post doesn't mean you can't. If it's something good repackage it by all means. I've had some of my best trending posts that way.

Thing’s People Like On Posts
  • awesome sayings or quotes
  • good humor and classic cartoons
  • animated Gifs
  • good photography, personal pictures or selfies
  • animal pictures and cats on #caturday (every Saturday)
  • the space program or photos from NASA
  • breaking or interesting news
  • technical and business news
  • anything about Google+
  • beefcake for men or women
  • movies and TV shows
  • informative posts that teach you something
  • music or YouTube videos
  • recipes or food photos
  • car or motorcycle photos
  • posts that invite you to engage, like word games
  • politeness and kindness
Thing’s People Hate On Posts
  • dropping personal links or otherwise in comments
  • becoming super friendly too fast
  • pushing yourself or selling products constantly on your posts
  • having a smart or dirty mouth in comments
  • arguing with others on a post especially if it’s not your post
  • getting into marathon discussions about something you can never agree on
  • going “off topic” on other people’s posts-start your own chat
  • constant negative images and words on posts
  • pushing your beliefs on others especially religion there’s a time and a place
  • racial profiling or bullying
  • no profile photo (Blue Heads) or blank profile
There's many more not listed but a big one is killing a conversation on some one's post. Some people put up posts to “chat” with their friends about a subject. They will watch notifications and answer immediately and if they are discussing a recipe (for instance) you don’t talk about how fat you're getting. The conversation is ruined for the person posting because they wanted to talk about eating food and it’s your fault.

If you still have a tough time of it you might want to check into communities. Depending on which one’s you join you have an audience that is looking at one subject instead of many and you can find something you like. If the community is large (over 2000 people) one post can get a lot of attention and pluses. Smaller communities will afford you quicker attention by the members and meeting people so it depends on what you're looking for.

Picking the right people for your circles is important because that is what you will see in your streams on Google+ the most. They are the people you will share with and will entertain you. It’s your own fault if you end up with duds but you can always start over or share circles with others.

I fully believe that you don't need to share circles or be in them to get followers it's a personal choice. Better to get to know people a little first. It’s better to share circles when you're not a newbie anymore and need some stimulation in your stream.

Everyone who starts at Google+ wants instant success and wants a similar experience from whence they came even though they are looking for something different. It's not a "race" to see who can get the most +1's or followers. Slow and steady gets you followers that won't drop you later. Give yourself 2 months practicing these methods and you won't believe how far you will have come.

One thing's for sure instead of fretting about being a Newbie you now have the tools to become a Maybe…and after that anything is possible.

Source: Google+ and my experience as a user with 11.5 K followers. I am the final stage after Maybe; that would be “Got It” and you will too.

Why Plus On Google+

Art by Ron Hicks follow him on G+.

Starting out on Google+ no one seems to like plussing and once learned it's quickly forgotten. I never understood why "Like" and "+1" seem so different since they both convey the same type of information.

But it's not the same if you look closer plussing is a shorthand language and the perfect way to let our friends know what we are up to during the posting day. Google+ uses a notification system to let us know if someone or something is looking for us and it depends on you plussing to have it work.

I've talked about tagging so let's look at it. To tag someone (plus them) is to send them a signal that you have:
  • read their comment
  • liked their post
  • saw what they wrote and agreed
  • shared a private post (only between the 2 of you)
  • shared content with them
  • invite them to a post you want them to see 
Nothing is worse than having a friend waiting for your post and them not getting it. Or you are waiting for something important and it doesn't show up.

People like to blame Google+ for glitching but most of the time one or both sides are not tagging (plussing) correctly. If you forget your post will not be seen unless the person lucks onto it or resorts to looking on your profile for it. If it's more than a few days late good luck finding it.

It's so easy to tag a person when commenting on their post and it makes sure they see your comment right away. Even if they have time to follow their own post they may not see your comment until later. 

Time is a factor when communicating online make sure they see you commented by tagging (plussing) their username before you leave your comment.

To tag someone you type a + followed by their username. After the first few letters, you will see a drop-down menu pop up where you will find their name to select. You have plussed (tagged, pinged, etc.) them successfully.

A name that is tagged correctly looks like this "+Bekkie Sanchez" and I will see it in my notifications right away.

It's always good to show your friends and followers that you enjoy what they post by plussing them. This is where Facebook, Google+ and most social networks are similar. It's all about what works, what's fun and what's going viral all voted on by us.

Using Google+ to your full advantage and learning the shorthand is the smart thing to do. It's a simple system that makes everyone's day easier but it must be put into practice to work. Google+'s notification system and the stream doesn't read minds it depends on our plusses.

(Notifications should be checked constantly during the day the more the better.)

"Google+ is not made up of equal experiences. There are newbies, trolls, regular Joe’s and then there’s the people who know." 

© Bekkie Sanchez

Sunday, September 8

How To Make Tea With Pot

If you have some shake or pot to make tea with it’s a good way to get your medicine without smoking it. It’s not liking making regular tea so please pay attention to the instructions or you will not be happy with the results.

Learn how to make weed tea in just a few simple steps.

If you have never tried weed tea you may not get what you were expecting. Making marijuana tea takes time, technique, and prep work. The most time-consuming step is extracting the THC from the weed.

THC is not easily soluble in water alone, but with added saturated fats like whole milk or butter the transfer can occur just add heat and time.

If learning how to make marijuana tea is new to you, you should know that its effects are likely to be equal to that of eating marijuana. Marijuana tea produces time-released body high that has a mild effect, but can potentially last for hours.

Some variations of weed tea are better tasting, and some are more potent. So, depending on your preferences decide which recipe will suit you best.
107-0749_IMGHow to make weed tea the super stoney way:

1/2 cup of marijuana leaves
4 cups of water
4 oz of whole milk
2 tea bags of your choice
4 oz of pot butter

1. Grind up your marijuana leaves. Put in pot, add water and bring to a simmer. Let simmer on low for 15 minutes.

2. 4 oz. of your favorite premade pot butter.

3. Melt your 4 oz. of pot butter and mix it together with 4 oz. of whole milk. SLOWLY add this mixture to the simmering pot of weed tea to avoid curdling of the milk. Put in your favorite tea bags and simmer for an extra ten minutes.
If you think that the texture or taste of the weed flakes in the marijuana tea will bother you, you can extract them by using a strainer, or by using a cheesecloth to separate the materials.

Quick marijuana tea recipe: 
  • whole milk 
  • tea bags 
  • marijuana 
  • water 
1. Grind up 1/2 gram to a gram of marijuana buds per cup of milk. Add 1/2 oz of water per cup of milk.

2. Bring to a simmer for up to 25 minutes to allow THC extraction. Pour into a container, add a couple tea bags, and honey if you wish.

3. After about 6-8 minutes, remove tea bags. If you think that the texture or taste of the weed flakes in the marijuana tea will bother you, extract them by using a strainer, or by using a cheesecloth to separate the materials. You can also strain your weed tea in an old pair of pantyhose.


The effects of weed tea can take 30-60 minutes to take effect, and when it does it may only be a mild high.

You may have to stir your drink occasionally just in case the mixture starts to separate. A straw will easily solve the problem. Drink it all down.

Cheers to you and I hope by now you are holding a nice glass of hot or ice cold pot tea with pot butter in the fridge. Now, make your favorite space cake with the leftover pot butter and invite your cool neighbors over for a “high tea” like they do in the UK!

Keep On Bloggin’!

Making Pot Butter

Once you learn to make good pot butter you can make any kind of food or drink with pot in it and be successful at getting enough medicine in your food so that you don't have to smoke. If you don’t like to, or can’t smoke there are ways to get around it they just take a little time and care.

To Make Pot Butter

Making pot butter is the core of most marijuana food recipes. Pot butter is the essential ingredient that gives the high in marijuana food, so take your time to learn and make it right.

There are a couple different ways to make pot butter, however, all ways to make marijuana butter are pretty basic.

Pot butter ingredients:
3 sticks of unsalted butter, not margarine!
1/2 oz. or more marijuana leaf, less if using buds.

Suggested tools to make pot butter:
1 Double broiler, or 2 pans one smaller than the other
1 large bowl
a strainer
a grinder
a cheesecloth or an old pair of pantyhose.

Making Pot Butter Fast

1. Prepare marijuana leaf or bud. You can crush or grind your marijuana leaves using a clean electric coffee grinder for ease, or you can do it by hand with a bud grinder or with your hand. The more the leaf and bud is ground the easier it is for THC extraction.

2. If using two pots, add water to the larger bottom pot and put your butter in the smaller pot. Set the small pot in the big one and heat on low until butter is melted.


3. When the butter is completely melted add your prepared marijuana clippings to the pot butter. Let cook for up to thirty minutes, remembering to stir every five.

4. Remove the bud butter from heat and let it cool until manageable (about twenty min). Now pour your fresh pot butter through the strainer into your large bowl, this removes the big pieces of the marijuana leaf.

5. More extraction for a nice buttery consistency.

If you have a cheesecloth handy this step is easy. If your butter is still hot wear gloves. You do not want to burn yourself. Soak the cheesecloth in the butter, and squeeze into your small bowl used for storage. You can repeat this process to remove more of the marijuana remnants if you feel it is necessary.

If you do not have a cheesecloth then we would recommend using an old pair of pantyhose. Cut the foot off the pantyhose and carefully pour your marijuana butter mixture in and squeeze over your small bowl.

You're done! Cover your small bowl and place in refrigerator, or now that you have made pot butter you should try it in one of your favorite recipes that requires butter, like brownies, cake, or cookies to make your very own space cake.

How did yours turn out?

Now go to the last article and make some pot tea to enjoy before summer is over!

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Thursday, May 9

Take An Acid Trip Into Your Body

Teeth Looking upward from inside the mouth.

In the course of developing sophisticated imaging techniques for peering into the human body, Hong Kong-based radiologist Dr. Kai-hung Fung discovered something within himself: an artist.

The discovery happened when Fung was asked by surgeons to generate 3-D images to allow them to visualize complex anatomies prior to surgery. Beginning with CT scans that show slices of organs at different depths, Fung stacked the slices into a single image and developed a way to indicate changes in depth with contour lines similar to those on a topographic map.

Adding “millions of colors and the infinite combination of different shades of colors can be more informative than the simple steps of greyscale,” Fung wrote in an email about how he came up with the idea.

The color added more than mere data. A few years ago a CT scan of a woman’s nose, which resembled an iridescent orchid from a distant planet, sparked an insight. Medical images could be art as well as science. “She had a very straight nasal septum and wavy maxillary sinuses ... the anatomy was exceptionally beautiful,” Fung wrote. “What Lies Behind Our Nose” went on to tie for first place in the 2007 International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge. National Science Foundation. Dr. Fung’s art career took off. His visually stunning diagnostic images have been published, exhibited and awarded more prizes, including “Most Psychedelic Images in Science” (2011) from Discover magazine.

But Dr. Fung’s amplifications of CT and MRI scans are more than just groovy wall posters. His “4-D visualizations” (short 3-D videos) aid surgeons by “showing changing perspectives and relative relationships of various anatomical structures. He compares his anatomical views from inside the body to scenes from the science fiction film “Fantastic Voyage,” but with real data.

Like a photographer who prefers manual settings to “point and shoot,” Fung says that instead of using commercial 3-D medical imaging software, “I started to generate my own mapping algorithms and created various color spectra for representing the data … The Rainbow Technique and the 3D/4D color Moiré art that I pioneered were discovered by accident and through … careful observations when I was experimenting. ... They were in fact image artifacts created by the software.”

Riffing on these accidents and creatively tweaking the settings, Dr. Fung has pushed radiology into the realm of fine art. Dr. Fung’s aesthetic approach to radiology doesn’t stop with medical imagery. Currently, he is working with data supplied by artist and nature photographer Dr. Gary Yeoh to produce 3-D CT images of flowers and biological specimens.

The roof of the 4th ventricle of the brain.

The blood vessels inside the brain with the skull base as background.

A virtual view inside the left ventricle looking towards the heart valves.

A hole in decaying tooth in the lower set of teeth.

Stress lines cutting through the head.

An inside view of the left nostril.

The flesh and shell of a live whelk and a clam illustrating evolution and problem-solving in nature.

What a psychedelic trip through tissue and bone that was hey kids?

I used to work on CT and MRI scanners here in CA and before Dr. Kai-hung Fung came up with this method other scientists and doctors were working on similar models. That was in the 1980’s however and they have come a long way.

Software and hardware wise they do a lot of things with scanners that they never could have done before. Many heart procedures that involved surgery are now done on scanners with no heart dyes and common X-ray methods just get better. I’m happy to see a new art form come out of something that can save our lives and still look like Fine Art.

And, I get to say things like “acid trip,” “Psychedelic,” “groovy” and other cool stuff.

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Monday, April 22

Happy Earth Day!

Times are tough with everything that’s going on in the world but I still have a simple belief that we are on this planet for more of a reason then just destroying the planet and each other. I think one of our best hopes for a united Earth effort begins with the astronaut's vision of the Overview Effect. Once the movie “Continuum” comes out the general public will get their first look at an overview, our history and everything they didn’t know about our little blue planet.

“On the outside, in-between all of us and everything else.” Chris Hadfield

I wanted to do something different for Wonderland so I wrote this poem beforehand and now I want to share it with you. It encapsulates my feelings about this day and the Earth. I hope you like it.


Believe that things can get better
Believe that the earth can be clean
Believe that no person goes hungry
The future remains to be seen.

Believe there's an end to extinction
Believe that the forests stay green
Believe that the garbage gets picked up
The future remains to be seen.

Believe there's a better tomorrow
Believe that the earth is pristine
Believe there's no war in all counties
The future remains to be seen.

The future is ours so let's grab it
Let's clean up this world that we trash
We need to quit wasting resources
The future remains and must last.

© Bekkie Sanchez 2013

Take care and may your view today on Earth Day be an Overview.

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Friday, April 19

Guns For All The Wrong Reasons

The military needs the right tools for the job and I don't have a problem with them having the guns they need especially during war although I'm against violence. I have 2 uncles whom were proud Marines so I know what they went through and I respect the military because of them. Unfortunately even military weapons of all types have filtered down to be had by the general public through illegal means and that includes sniper rifles and automatic weapons. President Kennedy's death comes to mind and he isn't the only one to die from a sniper's bullet

All you have to do is look at the news reports. Guns and the stupid people using them are causing more deaths of innocent people in the U.S. than ever before. Most states are practically handing them out to the public and countless non-military people even obtain permits to carry that gun until it is pried out of their cold dead hands. Even if you don't own a gun I bet you know someone, a family member or friend (not in a job that requires a gun) that does. There are more guns than people to shot them.

With a permit to carry a person can take their gun on airplanes, buses, trains anywhere they go in this country in any public venue. All they need is their gun and a permit to carry. Don’t fool yourself when you get on an airplane there are more people carrying guns then the cop on the plane and it’s all legal.

I personally know too many gun-toting Americans including people in my own family. Not only are they proud of it they have more than one gun to their name and a lot of them have never gone to a shooting range to practice shooting these guns.

My father was killed by a handgun in 1990 in my hometown. Right after my father was killed the Indiana police were quick to hand that same gun over to my brother who took it back to Florida. The Indiana police should have destroyed that gun. If a gun is just handed over to another person where is the gun control there and this was a murder! The cops do this all of the time when someone dies with a gun and TV lies.

Criminals have been caught with all kinds of illegal guns with silencers and guns that have been altered. The police (who are sometimes the problem) can't keep up and the murder rate caused by guns has gone up alarmingly. Handguns can be bought very cheaply on the street with the serial numbers ground off, ready for a new crime.

After the parent’s of the children killed at the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School petitioned the government to support common-sense legislation to reduce gun violence. Despite a 90% backing of this legislation, it was voted down by the lawmakers this week. Now children in grade schools will need armed guards because the government is afraid to go up against the NRA lobbyists giving them even more power than they had before.

They should be ashamed of themselves. At least the parent’s from Sandy Hook tried and they have a lot of courage to have gone through what they did and then have this happen.

We must not forget the 20 first- and second-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, along with six of their brave educators, who gave their lives in the Newtown Shooting. Change must happen to honor their memories! In tribute to them, and to the many other individuals who lost their lives in other horrific mass shooting in America, we are inviting our members and friends to take an active role right now in the battle to secure common sense legislative solutions to growing gun violence in America. We will deliver this petition to leaders in the U.S. Congress and to the Governors of all 50 states. Your contact information will not be shared publicly. Please forward to your friends and invite them to sign as well. Now is the time for action!

My father was one of these gun enthusiasts who always said his guns would protect him. He had been a champion tag-team wrestler in his time and got killed in his own home while sleeping on the couch with his own handgun. I was outraged at the time and the police were no help. If there were no guns allowed in this country he’d still be with me. Those kids would still be with their parents.

Gun laws vary widely by country. The UK and China both ban private ownership of guns. Many other countries enforce laws that make it extremely difficult to own a gun, especially if you have a criminal record. Some countries with strict gun control include Australia, Japan, Singapore and Canada.

In Canada for example, "handguns must be registered and potential buyers must undergo training, a personal-risk assessment and a criminal background check; supply two references; and have their spouses notified before purchase" (Source: Washington Times)

In the United Kingdom, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law. Police in the UK don't generally carry a gun. In the UK, citizens are "not allowed to possess semi-automatic and automatic firearms, handguns or armor piercing ammunition"

There was a plan to stamp serial numbers on bullets for more control that would make it harder to commit crimes with all guns. I think that's a great idea. 

Better yet, if there were no guns allowed then people would have to fight hand to hand which I feel would be a lot fairer. If someone attacks you without a gun at least you have a better chance of survival. People might think twice about attacking one another and deaths caused by guns would go down. Or maybe I'm just dreaming of a better less violent world without guns?

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Thursday, April 18

Cell Phone Facts To Consider

Cell phones are so convenient, what would you do without one? They let you make those important on the spot calls and important text messages during the day.

What a lot of people don’t know, and cell phone companies have been keeping from the world is that a cell phone is nothing more than a radio. It is a complex radio, but a radio none-the-less. Let’s take a look at a brief history of cell phones.

In the early 1950’s cell phones were called Radio Phones, in select urban areas, there were large central antennas that were specifically allocated for these radio-phones. Since radio technology itself was only in the building phase, only about 25 channels were available for private use. So basically only 25 people could be talking on their radio-phones at the same time. It wasn’t an efficient system to say the least and a better system was needed so they came up with the cell approach.

The cell approach divided each city up into small divisions, or "cells". The technology behind cells has changed dramatically over the years, just as cell phones have, only now most standard cells are about 10 square miles large. They are usually in the shape of a hexagon. Nowadays, every individual cell has its own base station, rather than only one for an entire city.

Now modern cell phones (meaning they were created in the last 20 years or so) are made to be low-power transmitters (either 0.3 watts or 6 watts), which is much lower wattage than in past decades. This means that the same frequency can be used in the same city, at the same time, but in different cells. This is what makes our current system what it is today.

I got my first cell phone in 1998 and at the time hardly anyone had them that I knew. They were simple but they did the job with very well with an antenna that you pulled up when you used it. It had an old style (green) digital screen with no pictures or texting but it’s convenience was obvious! They were really cheap to have in 1998 but I didn’t have it for long and I wasn’t to buy another one until 2007.

In many ways, cell phones do make our lives better and more convenient. Let’s face it, what can’t the smartphones do? Big Brother and sharing personal information just seem to be growing at a faster rate, whether we like it or not.

Just consider how much personal information you put on your cell. Losing it is one thing, but all the applications you put on your cell use your personal information to some extent. Next time you download an application take the time to look at how much information you're sharing with it. That would normally be a lot, from memory to your images. It usually lists this information after it tells you all the cool things the application can do for you and how you can’t live without it.

Cell phones that have internet can give you the same problems that you encounter on your home PC. Better have a virus checker on that cell, most people who have cell phones don’t think they need them. Always run a virus checker to keep an eye on your naughty apps too.

I’m on my 3rd cell phone and my first “smartphone” and I love my phone. There, I finally said it. Me, the person who always said; “Why do I need a smartphone when I have an awesome computer at home?” The Android cell phones cannot be denied, I have an Evo5 4G with a 3D camera.

To top it all off now there are studies that say our cell phones are possibly carcinogenic causing brain tumors and cancer.
Just lately the World Health Organization put out a new classification for cell phones. The new classification indicates that there is some link between cancer and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields that are emitted by cell phones, but extensive study is still necessary. The panel found that the evidence that cell phone radiation was linked to one type of brain cancer was “limited” and the disassociation with any other type of cancer was “inadequate.” According to the report, the “limited” classification is just one step above the “inadequate” classification.

The problem is with the antennas or certain circuit boards in the cell phones. Holding them up to your head while you talk and exposing this directly next to your brain is what causes these tumors or serious problems. Using your headphones while talking or anything that keeps your cell phone away from your head is the best way you can protect yourself from these problems. Don't put cell phones in your bras women!

The panel that did this study consisted of 31 scientists pulled from 14 different countries that reviewed two large studies that found a relationship between cell phone use and Glioma, a form of brain cancer. The scientists reviewed those studies and other scientific literature for eight days at a meeting in Lyons, France.

There’s no doubt in my head that using cell phones, especially as much as we rely on them now is not a good thing for us. Just consider how many minutes you use yours a month and how you use it. You might be concerned by the answer you come up with!

Here are some cell phone facts:
  1. About 20 percent of teenagers have cell phones, many of whom are girls.
  2. About ¼ of all Americans have cell phones, but nearly 2/3 of all Europeans do. There was also digital phone technology in Europe about 10 years before there was in the United States.
  3. In 1994, 16 million Americans were subscribers to a major cell phone service. Today, more than 110 million Americans currently subscribe. 1.2 billion people are estimated to be subscribers by 2010.
  4. There are also disposable cell phones. They are available online and only cost about $12.95.
Whatever your opinion on cell phones it’s hard to live without the convenience of having them. The fact that they are incredibly useful and fun means they will be around for a long time until the next thing comes around to take their place.

This has been updated in 2017 and cell phones have changed even more. I now have a Samsung Galaxy s7 and I love it! Soon, I'll get an s8.

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Monday, April 8

Overview Imagined

Overview Imagined

I wish that I could see the earth from space
free from the trappings of my life and gravity
my imagination might free me from this plight
so I fancy myself an astronaut on my way to the moon.

Acceleration pulls at me as the rockets propel me forward
I feel another stage release and I clench my teeth as I pray
general confusion and dizziness fill my mind as I try not to be sick
then we are in orbit and I’m floating in my seat.

I slowly move to the window with great expectations
searching the bright dots I find the small ball of pale blue
it looks so peaceful and pristine, just hanging there
everything else fades away as I savor the sight.

Earth, without the complications of being there
a gorgeous living and breathing planet covered in life
no borders just land masses divided by blue waters
surely a paradise to those who live on the surface.

I realize I am seeing Earth as a whole for the very first time
and I feel completely different than I ever have before
witnessing the overview effect for the first time in my life
fills me full of hope as I re-enter the atmosphere…

…finding myself earthbound in my living room.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2017

“When we originally went to the moon, our total focus was on the moon. We weren’t thinking about looking back at the Earth. But now that we’ve done it, that may well have been the most important reason we went.”— Overview Institute co-founder David Beaver, retelling what one astronaut has said.

If we imagine the Overview for ourselves, forget our petty differences, self-importance, love of money and understand how fragile our existence is on the earth we may yet have a chance to fulfill our promise to keep it healthy. 

© Rebecca Sanchez

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Friday, March 22

Poop On Your Cell Phones

By now most of you have heard the facts about flushing the toilet without shutting it and the waste that gets spewed all over your bathroom stuff in there but what about something we carry in our hot little hands all day and take everywhere? Our cell phones.

You know you take it everyplace you go. There was a good article recently that said with all of the choices that we have at home to get online or do searches with that cell phones are at the top of the list. Not home computers or tablets, cell phones. I hear a lot of people complain about trying to read the small screens and use the tiny keyboards but it’s becoming a well-known fact that we use our phones more than any other device, especially at home.

When you consider those facts it may not be a surprise to you that our cell phones could be harvesting E. coli and infectious diseases from bathrooms, dirty hands and who knows what else.

You hold it up to your face, use it while relieving yourself, take it into public bathrooms, play with it while eating, take it to hospitals, your car and handle it all day. You may wash your hands but after that, you pick that dirty cell phone right back up again.

NED University Journal of Research did a study in 2012 and published a paper on this subject. Here is what they found.

Mobile Phones: Reservoir Of Infectious Diseases In University Premises

The objective of this study is to find out the level of contamination of mobile phones used in University premises. These mobile phones could be a reservoir of pathogenic microorganisms and can also contribute in the spread of infectious diseases among the users in different environments. During this study, 367 mobile phones of teachers, students, non-teaching staff, medical staff and canteen staff of the University were screened in order to check the presence of different microorganisms including normal flora and pathogenic species. Isolated bacterial species were identified by the standard microbiological methods and biochemical tests. Eight different commonly used disinfectants were tested by Agar Well Diffusion method to find out the effective disinfectant for the cleaning of mobile phones. 98.6% of the total mobile phones were contaminated with bacteria. Overall, 250 (69.0%) samples were contaminated with different members of coliforms group of bacteria. 5% Acetic acid solution and Dettol (4.8% Chloroxylenol) were found to be active disinfectants against bacterial isolates. Presence of coliforms and other pathogens on mobile phones indicates the potential unhygienic conditions in university staff and students. Incidences of infectious diseases are greater in those people who use mobile phones for more than two hours per day. This is an alarming situation which can result in an outbreak of diseases on university premises.

Or at work, or in the home, it’s no wonder people get sick so often. I never gave this much thought myself until I was watching Anderson Cooper on TV and he discussed it. It makes sense even if you never considered it until now.

When asked if they wash their hands 95% of people said they did it regularly but obviously they aren’t telling the whole truth. Men’s hands were more contaminated then women and men wash their hands less when exiting restrooms. I don’t think I have to point out that people with dirty hands have the most “poop” on their phones.

If you stop to think about every place scientists have ever turned up fecal bacteria-grocery store carts, swimming pools, fast food restaurant soda fountains and kids’ play areas, ATM keypads, your purse, your washing machine, prewashed salad greens, food court trays, and pretty much everything in a hotel room, it makes it hard to lay your hands on anything again.

You know what to do about this because (if we ever learn to develop it,) it’s just common sense. Wash your hands, disinfect your cell phone with wipes, don’t share your phone especially with sick people, and keep your phone away from the bathroom.

A little cleanliness never hurt anyone, even when dealing with technology.

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Saturday, February 16

Life In Your Years

The seasons' change and time flies. Do you feel like you spend the time you have in your life wisely?

We only go around once and during that time we have to hustle in order to get what we really want, spare time.

Time Used Up
  • First, you’re born. You have about 78 years left statistically speaking.
  • You’re sleeping for about 29 years of that time. That leaves you with 49 waking years. 
  • Time to get educated. You spend 31,000 hours studying or in class. Added up, that’s about 31/2 years. 
  • You’ve graduated congratulations! Time to put in your 91,000 hours at work. That’s about 101/2 years.
  • All that time you spend in traffic. Say goodbye to one whole year of your life.
  • Brushing your teeth, showering, sitting on the toilet and dressing. That’s 21/2 years.
  • Eating and drinking take 4 years. You’ve got 28 years left.
  • Shopping, grocery runs,; it adds up to about 21/2 years. 
  • Cooking, cleaning, yard work and 6 years spent doing chores. 
  • You spend 11/2 years caring for kids and loved ones. That’s 18 precious years left….
  • Of which you spend half watching TV, playing video games, online, or pick your poison you spend about 9 years doing it and you have only those 9 years left. 
  • Out of 78 years on this earth, 9 years and 6 months are yours. Nine years to spend with your family and friends. To play, laugh and cry. To fall in love. To see the world and fulfill all of your passions.
So why are you still in front of the computer? What would you rather be doing? Go out and do THAT instead.

"It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years." by Abraham Lincoln

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Monday, February 11

Will You Be Mine?

Some history first.

February 14 is Valentine's Day. Although it is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today, with the giving of candy, cards, diamonds, (hint, hint) flowers, or other gifts between couples in love, it originated in 5th Century Rome as a tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop.

Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, though written Valentine's didn't begin to appear until after 1400. The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. (The greeting is now part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.) Several years later, it is believed that King Henry V hired a writer named John Lydgate to compose a valentine note to Catherine of Valois.

Cupid, another symbol of the holiday, became associated with it because he was the Roman god of passion and erotic love. He also was associated with desire. Cupid was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. Cupid played a role in several mythical adventures. In Vergil's Aeneid, Cupid prompts Dido to fall in love with Aeneas, with tragic results. Cupid is a central character in the traditional tale of Cupid and Psyche, as told by Apuleius. In modern times, cupid is often depicted as a chubby cherub-like creature with wings, shooting his arrows to inflict desire on his unsuspecting victims. Cupid often appears on Valentine cards or is imprinted on heart-shaped candies.

In addition to the United States, Valentine's Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia. In Great Britain, Valentine's Day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century. By the middle of the 18th, it was common for friends and lovers of all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes, and by 1900 printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements in printing technology. Ready-made cards were an easy way for people to express their emotions in a time when direct expression of one's feelings was discouraged. Cheaper postage rates also contributed to an increase in the popularity of sending Valentine's Day greetings.

Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass-produced valentines in America. Howland, known as the “Mother of the Valentine,” made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as "scrap." Today, according to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine's Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year. (An estimated 2.6 billion cards are sent for Christmas.) Women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

Will You Be Mine?

I fondly remember making hand-made Valentines in 6th grade to trade at school. Even though we had always handed out Valentines at school this time I had someone “special” to give one to. Steve Weber was his name and it was love at first sight.

At home, I got together the art supplies to make it with. Elmer's glue, scissors, scrap paper, ribbon, and lace. Getting to use my mom’s real scissors I excitedly and carefully cut out my hearts making sure they were perfect.

As I worked, I bit my tongue lightly with great concentration. I cut a big red paper heart and then a smaller pink one and so on until I was happy with the results. I worked on that Valentine for hours thinking about how much Steve would like it. Then I thought, what should I write on it?

I walked into the kitchen; “What should I write on my Valentine?” I asked my mom who was cooking supper and smoking her ever-present cigarette, 

“Are you done with the scissors yet Bekkie? I told you to return them to the sewing box when you’re done.” Not answering I silently slunk back into my bedroom. Luckily she didn’t know I liked a boy.

I was stymied, what could I write on the Valentine that would make Steve like me? Even though she was my best friend I knew Barbara Snyder liked him too; all the girls did. I knew she was probably making him a Valentine tonight too. Or worse yet maybe her mom got her store-bought cards! How could mine compete with fancy store-bought cards? I felt miserable.

I thought about asking my mom to buy store-bought cards and then quickly put that bad idea out of my head. Then the words came to me, I'd do a simple, "Will You Be Mine?" 

It wasn’t all lovey-dovey either it was simple, to the point. I ran to get the sparkles so I could finish my card. Surely he’ll like it and me.

The next day at school it was time to pass out the Valentine cards, but I had a plan. I was going to give Steve my card at recess by the big tree, not now. I felt my bravado fade when I saw Barbara Snyder passing out her store bought cards. 

I watched like a hawk while Steve looked through his cards. He didn’t react to any of them in particular. Gosh, he was cute. He turned and locked eyes with me. I turned fire engine red and turned away while I pretended to fiddle with a card that Jerry Lewis had just given me.

At recess, I raced down the hill and took my place by the big tree. I got there first, good. Steve would be playing baseball nearby. I wanted to do this before my girlfriends found me and then I saw Steve. 

He walked right up to me. “Barbara said you like me,” he said somewhat accusingly. 

I turned 50 shades of red, extended my shaky hand with the card in it and stammered, “This is for you Steve.” He took the card without reading it, hit me really hard on the arm, and ran off to play with his friends.

“He loves me!” I thought to myself triumphantly.

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Tuesday, February 5

Some Of My Favorite Things

The old lighthouse on Lake Michigan in my hometown. That is the city of Chicago sticking up across the lake. On a clear day, you can see Gary and Chicago.

Michigan City is a small town that borders on Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes. We have our own zoo and didn’t have a Mall until one was built. It was wonderful growing up there and I think about doing so with great fondness.

When I think about those days there are so many, one of a kind memories I got to experience while growing up Hoosier. I thought I’d share some of them with you.

1. Eating breakfast at Brownies Restaurant after church, filled with people who had been at Sunday services.

2. The view from our largest sand dune, Mount Baldy.

3. Summer concerts at the old band shell.

4. Going to the Moose Lodge for parties and functions with my family.

5. Riding the South Shore (electric train) to Chicago and back.

6. Franklin Street, (our main drag) filled with honking cars after the 1966 state basketball championship.

7. Seeing Santa at his little house that would magically appear at Christmas on the corner of 7th and Franklin street.

8. Watching men make railroad cars at Pullman Steel.

9. Going fishing at the crack of dawn on the pier by the lighthouse.

10. Walking along Lake Michigan searching for beautiful pieces of driftwood and other treasures that washed up on the shore.

11. Riding with my friends up and down the main drag after we all got our drivers license.

12. Going to the bakery for fresh Bear Claws.

13. Driving along the lake on Lakeshore Drive looking at all the beautiful homes and mansions on the lake.

14. Going to ‘sock hops’ at school and the YMCA.

15. Watching my dad wrestle at the Armory, state fairs, and Ames Field.

16. Ice skating and bobsledding in the Winter.

17. Going to Scholl’s Dairy for the best ice cream ever.

18. Horseback riding at the stables in Beverly Shores.

19. Ordering cherry cokes and fries at Woolworth's fountain.

20. Buying 45 records at Harvey’s Dime Store.

21. Going to the beach and swimming in Lake Michigan.

22. Going to the A & W on the way to the beach for hot dogs and root beer.

23. Penny candy and I have the fillings to prove it.

24. Standing outside at McDonald’s and buying 25 cent hamburgers.

25. Christmas decorations on Franklin Street.

26. The balcony at the Tivoli Theater.

27. The smell of the Smith Brothers cough drop factory.

28. Fish fries with fresh water perch (the best food ever) at M&M’s restaurant.

29. Three feet of snow in 1958.

30. Walking out to the lighthouse.

31. Climbing all the way up to the top of the observation tower by the zoo.

32. Going to the Washington Park Zoo to see Monkey Island.

33. Riding the bumper cars at Washington Park.

34. Going to the old amusement park on the beach by Lake Michigan.

35. Going to the lake to get a free truck full of sand for our sandbox.

36. Walking to school and back home every day all by ourselves.

37. Going to movies at the 212 outdoor theater.

38. Catching lightning bugs on warm summer nights.

37. Sunrises and sunsets on Lake Michigan.

Just a few of my favorite things about my home town.

Mount Baldy the biggest sand dune now a park.

The Armory where my father wrestled.

Carlson's Drive-in, the only one left now.

The lighthouse in winter.

Our Mall (we only had one) where we hung out and my mom taught me to drive in the parking lot when it was closed on Sundays.

I enjoyed growing up here and if I could make time stand still I would have done it before all the little changes that forever make our lives different. This place as I remember it is just a memory.

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