Thursday, May 17



Happiness is emotional
simple in its beginnings
endorphins fill my brain
muscles relax
others tense
pulling at the corners of my mouth
sounds escape my lips
as childish giggles.

Happiness is addictive
good times amplified
one beaming smile
spreading across many faces
we feel giddy
makes us fall in love
it makes the world go round
it’s better when shared.

Happiness is temporary
we’d like it to last forever
still, it leaves us
without warning
but when we least expect it
someone smiles
and it reminds us
that it’s just around the corner.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2018

Happiness never lasts but that doesn’t mean we’ll never be happy again. We never know what will make us smile. Open up and be receptive to happiness in any form. How are you doing? Have a great day!

Want to read more of my poetry? Capricious Poet.

Wednesday, January 31

Super Duper Blue

Super Duper Blue

The moon plays tricks
with a lunar eclipse
eyes to the skies
the full moon comes soon
twice this month is nice
number two is blue
tipping and slipping
under the earth’s umbra
invitingly in syzygy
this blood moon makes us swoon.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2018

Yes, I did rhyme syzygy, look it up. Lol!

A Blue Moon is when two full moons happen in the same calendar month; lunar eclipses occur when the moon passes into Earth’s shadow; and supermoons happen when the moon’s perigee — its closest approach to Earth in a single orbit — coincides with a full moon. In this case, the supermoon also happens to be the day of the lunar eclipse.

The second full moon and the lunar eclipse will occur on the night of Jan. 30 or the morning of the 31st. And the supermoon will take place on the night of Jan. 30, which is technically one day before the moon reaches peak fullness, but even NASA is willing to call the event a supermoon nonetheless.

I watched it last night on my patio it was awesome! My picture isn’t great, but it’s the only camera I had (cell phone.) This was when the moon was fully eclipsed and was orange.

This is what it looked like (although this isn't from this year.)

I don't know if you saw it but it was totally worth getting up at 4:30am to see. At the time I had no idea I'd be able to watch it from my patio. Once I figured that out, I got in a chair with a blanket and had a great view. A one of a kind viewing last seen in the 1800's.

I'd love to hear if you saw it or not so leave me some comments. If you want to write a poem of your own in the comments please do.

Have a good hump! Take care!