Wednesday, December 20

Christmas Is Coming

So it's the holiday season again. When I was a child, like all children, Christmas was magical. My parents were great at it. They even hid presents in the tree and around the room they really knew how to work us kids into a frenzy. 

Then one day I became aware. Being the older sister of a 4 year younger brother I was the first. I don't remember how or why but I got old enough to finally understand the workings of Christmas. No Santa Claus? That about killed me.

I grew up a child with a huge imagination. It's one of the things that has helped me through life but finding out about Christmas was just one of the "truths" of life that I found shocking signaling the end of my childhood.

No magic? What about the rest of it? The Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and more? All tall stories and for what? I still wonder. Would it be so bad to have kids know the real truth behind these childhood fibs? Maybe when we grew up we wouldn't be willing to believe every untrue lie fed to us by our government for example? The "experts"?

I don't know but I do know I'm getting off of the subject of Christmas. I'm not ready for it but I never am. Christmas was lost to me in the 90's along with Thanksgiving and most of the other holidays now all just indicators of more time passing.

If I had family who cared it might be more pleasant but I doubt it. I'm always broke these days, especially around the holidays so I don't get into Black Friday or Cyber Monday, etc. I might buy something small for myself just so I don't feel so sorry for "me".

When I think of Christmas this is what I think of. A snow-covered cabin all cozy inside with presents and a fire waiting. Perhaps a warm handsome man?

I used to have snow at Christmas but living in California that's out of the question unless one has money (and the knees) to go skiing. But this is what I do during the holidays.

I'm out riding my bicycle along the Bay Trail in San Mateo. It's really pretty year round even without snow. I miss it sometimes.

Candy canes are still one of my favorite candies! I actually learned to like fruitcake and I adore eggnog with dark rum. What do you like about Christmas?

The thing I still like each year is New Years. Now that I'm older I don't like how fast time is flying but I can't help but have some hope that each year will get better. This year is already better right now than last so I'm hoping for more of the same.

I like these old GIF's with such pretty Christmas scenery.

And even the ones with the old Christmas magic.

These are beautiful scenes that I've never seen with my eyes. Although I've seen some pretty sights in winter horse-drawn carriages and things like this are pretty much history.

You can't stop time or the holiday season. The stores would never let that happen!!

Christmas is coming just like every year...whatever way you celebrate, or don't, I hope you have the best Christmas ever!

Thursday, December 14

Jumbo Blueberries

Nothing can make me happier than Jumbo blueberries from (of all places) Mexico! When these huge berries show up at Lucky's supermarket I'm there to buy 8 cartons of them and even that is not enough.

I usually shop at Safeway but Lucky's has a deal exclusively with Driscoll's to get their very best berries. Safeway will buy another brand or get Driscoll's from another area. The greengrocer at Lucky's told me this or I wouldn't have known.

All Driscoll's blueberries are not created equal.

It makes a huge difference! The berries from Peru are usually sour even if they look delicious. What a rip! I hate sour blueberries, all you can do is add sugar to them and use them for something else although most times I take them back to the store and return them.

Even the berries from California can't compare! I don't know what the deal is, but I never knew there were Jumbo blueberries and why does Mexico have them and we don't? What makes them so big and tasty? Do I want to know? (Uncomfortable laughter...)

My oatmeal without raspberries (didn't get any this time.) I make and serve it in a measuring cup. The dots are chia seeds.

My thing is oatmeal, in fact, every morning for breakfast I have my Red White and Blue Oatmeal with chia seeds. That is Quaker organic instant oatmeal with blueberries and raspberries. Oatmeal is the best breakfast food ever it sticks with me all morning and gives me energy for my morning bike rides.

Just take another look at that picture of the berries! When they say Jumbo they aren't kidding! These berries are the size of grapes! They are sweet tasting and I can sit and eat one of these containers of them like grapes no problem.

I also eat them on a bed of spinach with pears and walnuts drizzled with Trader Joe's Pear Vinaigrette Dressing. Doesn't that look delicious?

So when I hear Jumbo Blueberries it makes me very happy! I have the last 5 containers of them from Lucky's in my fridge waiting for me to eat them. It's almost breakfast time....

Jumbo Mexican Blueberries or I Will Eat Them

I will eat them in my chair
I will eat them naked bare
I will eat them on a dare
I will eat them in my lair
I will eat them while I swear
I will eat them with no hair
I will eat them with much flair
I will eat them here and there
In my mouth without a care
I will eat them anywhere!

© Rebecca Sanchez 2017

To steal an idea from one of my favorite poets/artists Dr. Seuss.

I hope you have the best day ever! In a few, after my oatmeal with Jumbo berries, I'm going biking and it's a beautiful day outside.

What food makes you happy?
Keep On Bloggin'! I'm going to close each post with a GIF to think about.

Tuesday, December 12

Back Again With A New Look And Attitude

Well hello there readers! It's been awhile since I've written here but I'm about to change all that.

Happy to see you all and sending Good Vibes outward to you!

If you haven't been here in awhile Wonderland has a new look. I had a lot of fun doing it so let me know how you like it. I also went through and fixed a lot of old code and posts that got stripped out when Photobucket got greedy and screwed me.

About that, Photobucket, the image library that I've used for decades decided to charge users who host their own images through them on their websites and such. Without warning these ugly ads to go pay homage to them popped up everywhere because I had been using Photobucket faithfully for years. It was a great place to store images and they gave you the HTML code for using them other places. That's how I got in deep do-do when Photobucket decided to start making money offa me.

What they don't know is I know how to write my own darn code now and don't need them. Still, I had a lot of old posts that were messed up and dotted with ugly ads on them. Some got fixed and a bunch got thrown out but most of them needed to go.

I've been up to a lot! I bike 20-30 miles every other day on the Bay Trail in San Mateo. I have never felt better! I write about biking and health on Bike With Bekkie a newer blog on WordPress.

I hope you'll be back when I have more to say. After all of the work and years I've put into this blog I'm going to take advantage of it and the great place it has on Google search. I'm all spiffed up and ready for business.

It's a new time for me, almost a new year and as Billy Idol put it, "It's a nice day to, start again!" (From White Wedding.) Night folks!

Thursday, December 29

Have A Happy Vintage New Year!

They have some very strange ideas about holidays in the past. I love to look up vintage cards because I always find things like these. (Above.) These cards are copies of vintage New Year cards and postcards from the Victorian Era.

Here's my New Years poem I post every year since I wrote it. I was so pleased to use the word "jollification" in it, it's a great word

Time For A Very Good Year

The month of December has come to a close
the weather has brought a new blanket of snow
Christmas has faded from Rudolph’s red nose
looks like it's time for the new year.

To the party we go with our friends in tow
faces aglow and dressed in our best
jollification where ever we go
looks like it’s time for the New Year.

Champagne is flowing as midnight draws near
resolutions are made as we watch the ball drop
we raise up our glasses to toast to good cheer
that this New Year, be a very good year!

© Rebecca Sanchez 2011

Here’s to wishing you, and yours, a very good year from the bottom of my heart!

About "Time-Balls"

The actual notion of a ball "dropping" to signal the passage of time dates back long before New Year's Eve was ever celebrated in Times Square. The first "time-ball" was installed atop England's Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1833. This ball would drop at one o'clock every afternoon, allowing the captains of nearby ships to precisely set their chronometers (a vital navigational instrument).

Around 150 public time-balls are believed to have been installed around the world after the success at Greenwich, though few survive and still work. The tradition is carried on today in places like the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, where a time-ball descends from a flagpole at noon each day - and of course, once a year in Times Square, where it marks the stroke of midnight not for a few ships' captains, but for over one billion people watching worldwide.

Source: About time-balls from a Google search.

Keep On Bloggin'!

Monday, August 24

The Applehop

The Applehop
Getting over a miserable summer cold I was drinking beer on Sunday and got dry. The Heineken was drying me out along with the cold medicine. (Yes I read and ignore labels too.)

I decided to get a glass of Safeway apple juice to sip with it good for the cold and thirst. The mix in my mouth was delicious.

I poured some beer in a glass and added apple juice to taste. I think the bitter and the sweet go well but make it your way. When done right you have a sweet bubbly apple/hops drink that's sure to please and keep you hydrated.

Add to that a salty snack with some veggies and you're set for a Sunday afternoon of snacking and posting on social networks in front of the TV while watching Superjail or Or Game Of Thrones like I am. I just love that new Popcornopolis Caramel Corn you should definitely try it.

So I made up a drink and I'm calling it The Applehop. Don't serve it on ice drink it cold it's meant to be slammed. Add some rum/vodka and call it the Applehop Hammer.

I cook too if you're interested!

© Keep On Bloggin'!